Friday, July 14, 2006


Uhh, if you are that extreme, you will go out with a bang, sure it may be fun, but like, how long will it last? I guess, moderate for most of the part, but sometimes release control or soemthing.

ie, take romeo, too much and he dies, and the frair, too moderate and he's like, a frair. lol.

However, i am angry, one of the extremes, not violent delights but violence and violency. I mean like, what a shitty week, long days (tues and wed), tons of hw (let's see, FOUR lit review, rnj prose, physics tys, physics quiz , chem holiday hw, goeg field study). Yup, the week itself was already bad, but now even the weekend is not free?

I think my post looks like crap next to kenneth's maybe cos its like messy and stuff, so un professional.

Oh i'm flat broke, $20 for the rest of July, nice Haven, if i buy that i will have $0. Wow so fun.

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