Thursday, October 26, 2006

The End


The party stood in a circle, all of them in deep thought. The building which was their home and their lives had crumbled, leaving them to wonder where to go to now, and what to do. That very building embodied everything they had stood for and all the memories and experiences that they shared.

Their journeys started a little over two years ago, where by chance they had gathered. From relative strangers, they had grown into a strong tight knit group. Friendships were formed, some relatively early on, others still fresh. They had gone through much, from combating entities known only as "teachers" to losing two among them. Yet they had gone this far, step by step, day by day, helping each other, being true friends and companions. While conflict still arose within the group among them, most of the time it was harmless, however there are scars left behind.

The group was a large part of their hearts and souls, and now, they are facing disbandment. Putting aside their differences, they were able to battle through times of hardship and difficulty. Facing down challenges, beating down anyone and anything that stood in their way, they stood triumph, but yet at the peak of their achievements, tragedy struck. It was not to be after all, with the passing of time, and very foundations began to fracture, threatening to split apart what each held dear.

33 unique individuals, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, non alike. Now each stood in the night, with the rain pelting each of their backs. Some made up their minds and began to depart from the rubble; others however clung on to every detail of what that once was. Many paths were laid out in front of them, each leading to a different destination. As small groups of adventurers or lone wolves departed, a part of each was ripped out as the silhouette of each slowly merged with the surrounding darkness. 33 individuals, many paths, some would never cross, while others will lead to a reunion of old friends. With each step, they move along the path that they chose, each cannot help but think "When will the flag of π + 1 ever be raised again?"

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